About Paul Harris Fellowships
A Paul Harris Fellow is a distinction shared by men and women in more than one hundred nations, many of whom have made significant contributions to world peace and understanding.
When Paul P. Harris, the founder of Rotary, died in 1947, Rotarians the world over honored this remarkable man by creating this “living memorial” of Paul Harris Fellows.
Contributions made by Paul Harris Fellows make possible scholarships which advance the work of the Rotary Foundation, one of his favorite projects. Contributions also make possible various grant programs that fund World Community Service projects and local projects that are also supported by the Rotary Foundation.
The Rotary Foundation fosters better international understanding by granting scholarships to young men and women throughout the world for study outside their own countries, and by sponsoring exchange groups of young professionals who meet with and learn from their counterparts in other countries.
Anyone who furthers these efforts by contributing, or who has had given in his or her honor or memory, $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation, is named a Paul Harris Fellow.
A Sustaining Member is an individual who contributes or in whose name a minimum of $100 is contributed with the commitment to contribute a total of $1,000 within a ten year period. The Sustaining Member becomes a Paul Harris Fellow when the contribution totals $1,000.
Each Paul Harris Fellow receives a commemorative certificate, a PHF pin, and medallion to be displayed.
Boulder City Sunrise Rotary is a leader among Rotary Clubs in foundation achievements. However, our goal is to become a 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club!
We are pleased to recognize these Active Paul Harris Fellows: | |
Andrea Anderson | Kevin Lampman |
Cynthia Anderson | Richard Loudin |
Geoff Baughman | Frita McDonald |
Richard Baughman | Robert W. Merrell |
Harold Begley | John Milburn |
Judith Bible | Elbert Muncy |
Robert Blair | Kevin Nicholson |
Alan Bowman | David Olsen |
Jeff Breeden | Mark Palm |
Joshua Brimhall | Deana Parsons |
Darlene Burk | Richard Piliponis |
Amy Carvalho | Paul Ruhl |
Todd Cook | Bret Runion |
Robert Crow | Chelsea Scheppmann |
Donna Draney | Douglas Scheppmann |
Eric Estes | Tony Scheppmann |
Brandon Fritch | Lynn Schofield-Dahl |
Marcie Gibson | Ken Schultz |
Dawn Green | Robert Sears |
Lee Hagen | Leslie Shipp |
Paul Hagen | Greg Spinkelink |
Roger C. Hall | Victor Thomas |
Bert D. Hansen | David Thompson |
Warren Harhay | Kristine Thompson |
Randall Hees | Robert Toth |
Dawn Hooper | Brian Williams |
Robert Kenney | Kendra Wright |
The Rotary Foundation
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.
In 1917, RI President Arch C. Klumph proposed that an endowment be set up “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” In 1928, when the endowment fund had grown to more than US$5,000, it was renamed The Rotary Foundation, and it became a distinct entity within Rotary International.
Five Trustees, including Klumph, were appointed to “hold, invest, manage, and administer all of its property . . . as a single trust, for the furtherance of the purposes of RI.”
Two years later, the Foundation made its first grant of $500 to the International Society for Crippled Children. The organization, created by Rotarian Edgar F. “Daddy” Allen, later grew into the Easter Seals.
The Great Depression and World War II both impeded the Foundation’s growth, but the need for lasting world peace generated great postwar interest in its development. After Rotary’s founder, Paul P. Harris, died in 1947, contributions began pouring into Rotary International, and the Paul Harris Memorial Fund was created to build the Foundation.
From that time to this day, support of the Foundation has grown tremendously. Since the first donation of $26.50 in 1917, it has received contributions totaling more than $1 billion. More than $70 million was donated in 2003-04 alone. To date, more than one million individuals have been recognized as Paul Harris Fellows – people who have given $1,000 to the Annual Programs Fund or have had that amount contributed in their name.
Such strong support, along with Rotarian involvement worldwide, ensures a secure future for The Rotary Foundation as it continues its vital work for international understanding and world peace.